12 Aug 2022 09:36:14
Please please please stop signing players now
Let these players including Fruer and Dennis be the last through the door and let's now gel the squad together
Good luck Keinan at Watford by the way.
1.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 11:53:37
I doubt you'll get your wish yet.
Richards is injured, so they are looking for a LWB (until January window minimum) .
We also lost Silva, Lolley and Zinc and have only replaced them with Lingard. The smart money is on them signing at least one more player to cover those three going out - especially if they want to send Mighten out on loan.
2.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 12:02:31
I hear you munmad, I’d rather we had a small tight nit squad too as it’s good for togetherness and team spirit, but I’m sure cooper knows what he’s doing…. I’d probably say we might need a left back after Dennis and Fruler, but I’d say no more too.
Shame about Davis joining Watford, would have liked him to sign for us and I believe he deserves a crack at the premiership after all he did for us last season, I know he had injury problems but still a dam good powerhouse of a striker, anyway all the best Keinan Davis can’t thank you enough for last season and I hope you stay injury free and light up the championship like I know you will. ????????????.
3.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 13:05:24
Yes really liked Davis hope he keeps fit and does well . Feel Cooper will buy until he his happy with the squad and has cover and then it's down to him to get them working together hopefully it won't be long for the club's sake I think he can do it.
4.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 13:25:05
I'm hearing Davis to Watford is a loan with option to buy, why couldn't we do that, especially if he comes good in the prem.
5.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 14:02:01
This will be my last post until after West Ham match .
To re state the obvious we would not be in the premiership without Davis or Spence . These were two key figures of our last season .
Now Spence we are ‘told ‘ wants to go back to London. Yet he loyally played his heart out for SC and our club who by supporting and developing him made him into the player he is or might eventually be, and was in tears at Wembley . So it was his agent / mother who tempted him away . However was 20-25 M too much for a fans favourite and to my mind the best right back ever to play for Forest ? Yet he is gone and won’t come back .
In the Playoffs, Davis came on in the second half and changed the game against the Blades. Suddenly they had a very powerful player running against them . If he hadn’t come on . Sheffield would undoubtedly have scored and that would have been that .
Was 15 million too much to pay for another very popular player, who now seems to be going to Watford
All these players being signed as replacements I have no doubt someone thinks are good, and I hope but actually doubt that Cooper personally has chosen them all . Cooper will truly be a miracle worker to mould them all into a winning combination. I hope so otherwise, there will be many tears.
6.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 14:02:54
"Hwang" on a minute?
Another striker?
7.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 16:13:35
Doc, valid points but there won’t be any tears from me mate, the premier league will be a struggle and would be no matter what, my Euphoria in May wasn’t about us getting to where belong it was creating a memory from an impossible journey . Just enjoy the memory of what we achieve rather than worrying about what might happen . We’re favs for relegation and if that happens it doesn’t change the memory of last season and we’ll be ultra competitive in the championship.
8.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 17:11:27
Your poison doc on here . I know some of us look for negatives. You look for every one .
9.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 17:32:46
Prefer 'half pint empty' to 'poison' Bowie. Regardless our positivity will be irrelevant unless the players react to the City Ground faithful. Going to be a minimum 15 players in. Massive challenge to get them to gel and play for the shirt. Roller coaster season but I agree, enjoy the moment.
10.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 17:57:38
As i posted yesterday scouse son. Never going to be easy untill they gel. Some think a potter wand. don't get me wrong i'm gutted we ain't got that nucleus of last season but was never going to happen.
11.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 20:28:21
If Davis was that good villa would play him and there would be interest from other Premier clubs but there is none.
I like him and I'm sure we would have signed him had the price been realistic
Spence for God's sake doc only wanted to sign for spurs and he let that be known, it wasn't about us offering more.
Just let it go
2 star is right we had to enjoy the moment at Wembley
Marinakis knew how much it would cost and has put his money where his mouth is.
Try having some patience and stop bleating about the past.
We are going to need a big squad to cope and Davis has had a lot of injuries sane as lowe.
The ground is now going ahead and it's exciting times and all that matters is staying there.
The team we put out at Wembley would have got beaten week in and out cus there is a huge void between the championship and the Premier
What you want is for us to do a Norwich and rely on the players that got us there
Well that doesn't work.
12.) 12 Aug 2022
12 Aug 2022 20:43:57
Never going to be good enough. PL takes no prisoners, we have to accept that and pray SC works it out. ?.
13.) 13 Aug 2022
13 Aug 2022 10:44:55
Strange to just pick out just 2 players when so many contributed and without so many of those we wouldn't have made it to the Prem.
What about Johnson with 16 goals and 10 assists last year, an incredible first season in the Championship.
Spence said back in Jan he was going to Spurs and as much as I loved Davis, fantastic player in my opinion, he has major major doubts over his hammy fitness. Gerrard must see this else he would be great to have in his squad.