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simple 65's banter posts with other poster's replies to simple 65's banter posts
02 Feb 2021 03:18:37
do any of you remember what sir brian did when trevor francis signed for us. he took trevor onto the pitch and said this is where you work. they should have that on a big sign above the tunnel. the present shower disrespect everything the great man stood for.
1.) 02 Feb 2021 09:10:11
Sir Brian then got him a pair of boots and he played for the reserves same day after a game of squash!
26 Jan 2021 07:12:53
like it or not this c.v. craps here to stay. i just don't see bums on seats at the city ground for a long long time. so no money coming in, so how can we pay stupid cash out on other clubs over the hill cast offs. our dof if i dare call him that should stop the donkey gravy train get scouts in and cherry pick young starlets from struggling lower league clubs, not for millions but a few hundred grand.
25 Jan 2021 20:05:17
i see sheff utd want dembele, that's planning for next season. i see them as another yoyo like wba and norwich. good way to make money, paid to go down and up again.
23 Jan 2021 23:59:31
im a new post, totally agree non passion no love or respect for our club. brazil reid in, play the ones who want to put the shirt on. if we go down never mind we willbe back much better and stronger. get rid of the crap and hangers on.
1.) 24 Jan 2021 05:28:13
Bang on Simple. I've said it before, these players need to know what 30,000 in the city ground means. Then, just maybe, they'll understand what they're playing for.
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15 Jan 2022 17:11:41
forest remind me of crystal palace a few seasons ago, started off real bad then went on a long run and went up. well played today always tough against milwall. YOU REDS.
12 Jan 2022 21:32:52
dont even go there, he's only in it for a big pay day and an easy ride.
09 Jan 2022 22:22:46
i think 12mil for johnson is a tad on the cheep side, coopervshould be asking 15 plus. and on the point of cooper fans should be in no doubt he is the MAN. we all loved brian, but cooper could be cloughy two. definetly our best manager since bc.
08 Jan 2022 09:30:15
thats fair enough, but have you been around the tenement housing blocks of brixton, depford, strettem, even wandsworth. i spent 20 years driving my lorry around london and I've seen all the deprivation first hand. kids join gangs so they can belong, because their parents just don't care.
07 Jan 2022 21:57:59
it dosnt matter what colour shirts teams play in, it won't change a thing. young black youths will still be killed on our streets,30 in london last year alone. what the top clubs should be doing is put a couple of mil each into inner city projects, and get the youth out of the drugs merry go round.