28 Jun 2023 11:43:24
Heard a strange rumour, now I've heard this same one from two different toon fans. So neves is off to saudi. Now when there they loan him to Newcastle, which keeps the toon fair play better the saudis pay his wages but the toon pay a loan fee? Don't get me wrong we probably do it with the olympiacos. But the whole thing stinks for me. Again just a rumour.
1.) 28 Jun 2023
28 Jun 2023 13:02:32
Bowie I hope the Saudi league takes off and shrinks the stinking money available to the premier league.
2.) 28 Jun 2023
28 Jun 2023 16:50:11
Keep your head on Rutland…….
3.) 30 Jun 2023
30 Jun 2023 15:47:02
In the main, the Saudi league will be full of second-rate South Americans, greedy Africans and past-it Europeans, with one or two exceptions.
It was said in the 90's that the MLS would rock the football World, it was said in the 00's that China was going to buy all the World's best players. Now it's the Saudi's turn to fantasise about creating the World's number one league.
It will never, ever have the same gravitas as the big European leagues. It's just doesn't have the history or tradition and I doubt it ever will.
Wouldn't mind seeing Dennis move there for £20mil though. They can have Shelvey on a free too :)
4.) 30 Jun 2023
30 Jun 2023 18:58:36
Always love your posts wonky son, keep em coming. Your knowledge is unreal at times. i remember a while ago saying you were unfortunate not to be able to get to games. Hopefully the change will come my friend. And your music background wasn't too bad too. Take care for now. Rutters you can't have any complaints on your golf with the summer greens mate. Hope you've enjoyed this green and pleasant land which so many of us take for granted. ??.
5.) 30 Jun 2023
30 Jun 2023 20:37:05
Indeed bowie and the fishing has been fantastic too.
6.) 02 Jul 2023
02 Jul 2023 10:47:54
Fishing. Now that is ? boring.